Monday, May 31, 2010

Top 10 Best Sesame Street Songs

It wasn't that difficult to come up with my Top 10 Sesame Street songs of all time. In fact, most of them instantly popped into my head...then were stuck there for the next few days!

Check out my faves over at, and let me know what you would include on your list of best Sesame Street songs.


  1. Sounds like the tracklisting from Sesame St. Platinum All-Time Favorites :) (except for "12")

  2. I agree full heartedly. Raposo & Moss were very skilled at their craft. For some reason, 'The Ladybug Picnic' has stuck in my head over the years as well. How about the top 10 Muppet Show songs? There were some fantastic tunes in that show. Remember 'Mississipi Mud'? We like to think that our tunes don't make people rip their hair out. Click on on our name and go check out our site if you're interested in hearing what we sound like. We're called Gogo Bonkers!

  3. I'm not a fan of ALL the Sesame Street songs done with celebrities, but really dig James Taylor's performance of "Jellyman Kelly" with the Sesame Street Kids.

    Oh yes, I definitely do!

  4. My all time favorites, some real cool songs.

  5. Very nice list - some definite classics listed there.

    Come take a look at our Top 5 Educational Sesame Street Songs and vote for your favourite at

  6. I agree with your top 10 list but would put 'Bein Green as my number one song. Years ago I went and bought all the sheet music to the majority of the songs just so that I can play them in the quietness of my own home.

    This goes to show the power that children's music can and will continue to play for generations to come.

  7. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Hey guys, check out this song-- great for a Disney tune and kids LOVE it! Very catchy and fun and adults can listen to it with ease....and enjoyment! Let me know what you think :)

  8. Everyone loves sesame street, and most kids just go crazy about them. Great compilation of sesame street songs :> Gonna play them to the kids and let them have some fun with it

  9. Anonymous8:23 PM

    I'd have to at least give Ernie's "I Don't Want To Live On The Moon" honorable mention. It's simply a very well written song and is even more poignant as an adult!

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