Friday, January 01, 2010

Happy New Year!

2009 gave us lots of great albums for kids and their families, and it was really hard to narrow down my choices to a mere ten. So, without further adoooooo, here's my Top 10 List of the best kids' music of 2009. Enjoy, discuss, and comment!


  1. Thanks for providing this list - many of these I have never heard of so I look forward to checking them out!

  2. Thanks for reading, Deborah! Please feel free to list some of your favorite kids' music from 2009.

  3. Anonymous11:47 AM

    I want to see your New Year's resolutions!

  4. Anonymous12:01 AM

    Don't forget "move your boots" by The Bramble Jam. Another great album for kids.

  5. Hey, A. Nonymous is right. Check out this New Hampshire band's rootsy, rockin' debut kids' album!


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