Sunday, November 29, 2009

Hanukkah Music for Kids

Did you know that Hanukkah begins at sundown on Friday, December 11 this year? That's right, the Eight Nights of Light are approaching, so I've compiled a list of great Hanukkah music for kids over at to help celebrate the season, from klezmer to pop, from traditional to silly remakes. Let us know if any other children's artists have released a Hanukkah CD and we'll add it to the list!


  1. Happy Hanukkah! I'm glade they have music for Hanukkah as well. But it does seem to be very hard to find.

    Thanks for the post.

    David Hitt
    Song Placements

  2. Rolie Polie Guacamole is a kids group based out of Brooklyn, NY. Check out my audio slideshow of the group - feel free to repost on your blog if you like it.


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