Monday, January 05, 2009

me 3 Make a Short Video for a Short Song

...and the song is called...that's right, "Short Song." Played louder and faster, this tune by me 3 would make a great stadium rocker!

me 3 - "Short Song"


  1. it's only a practice run but check out my new show and let me know what you think.

  2. Awesome! The James Superstar Kochalka, Brenton Wood, and Tally Hall tracks are inspired, the kind of stuff families need to explore together. Keep it up, man!

  3. Anonymous11:02 PM

    i dig it

  4. thanks. It's a rough draft so a few things might change...I've been told my read is a bit too NPRish and not "up" enough. What do you think?

  5. Sounds good, Chris. As long as the Rock is Rollin', people will listen. Can't wait to hear more shows!

  6. Thanks...there will be more. Hopefully a lot more. Any suggestions of music please send them along. Always looking for something I don't have...I have quite a bit but I am but one man.

    Also feel free to search around NEXT and let me know what you think of my new music show.

  7. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Super catchy and cute!

  8. Anonymous9:36 PM

    Use a YouTube downloader: If you're trying to download a video from YouTube, you can use a mp4 video downloader like Y2Mate or ClipConverter.


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