Saturday, March 15, 2008

A Factory-tested Masterpiece

Today my sweet boy is 19 months old. It's pretty mindblowing to witness firsthand the changes that occur every day: Vocabulary, movement, recognition, sense of humor, and, yes, even bald-faced manipulation.

Every evening we play the same CD, Jason Falkner's Bedtime with the Beatles, during Steamboat's bathtime/bedtime routine. That means he's heard it about 578 times, not counting the occasional nap or playtime accompaniment.

In raising our Masterpiece, my wife and I try to expose him to the best of the best, including music. If you haven't already, check out Falkner's masterpiece and pass it on to a friend. It comes highly recommended by Steamboat.

1 comment:

  1. Not only is it a lovely CD, but it is lovely for adults, too, which is why you could stand to listen to it 578 times.

    I actually bought it - in pink - for myself, but I cannot resist Beatles music in any form.

    If you and Steamboat's mom haven't seen Across the Universe yet, you need to get it right away from Netflix because you will love it.


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